
A little humor from the Dark side...

"Benioff tends to see the bright side of trouble. In this case, he notes, “Our sales leads have been spiking on the outages. They’re at an all-time high.” In fact, he says, whenever Salesforce.com has had problems over the years, it has only expanded interest in the company. “These are huge branding events,” he says. “Every time our competitors say something negative about us, it gives us more girth.”"

Click here to read the article.

Wait a second...
So as a public company, the company's primary mission is to increase share value...
and if sales leads spike when we have outages...
and more leads lead to more sales...
and more sales improves share value...
Shouldn't we have more outages?

Yes, I'm completely joking (about a not very funny subject matter) but it's just remarkable to me to watch our marketing engine do its thing.

Being completely objective...right or wrong it's a pretty impressive thing to watch in motion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Benioff has more than enough girth.

4/28/2006 10:12 AM  

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